Welcome to Casual Ba!

Casual Ba is a clan for people who enjoy BA and want to play it with other enthusiastic players.
Whether it is for the Penance Pet, elite clues, high gamble rewards, fun, or all of the above, CBA is the perfect place for you!
Casual Ba is not for those seeking a torso or diary requirements. It is for high gamblers/fun players only.
If you are hunting torso/diary, we recommend you use World 306, or purchase what you need from a BA leeching clan.

Join or Start a team

1. Type in chat "F+?" or "+?". F stands for "fun team"
2. Wait for clanmates to respond

  • Someone will respond with: "F+5", "F+4", "F+3", "F+2", or "F+1". The number after the '+' indicates how many more people are needed to fill the team. F+5 means there is no team currently forming. To join a team, you will need to lower that number by one, e.g.

  • [CBA] You: F+?
    [CBA] iTaste: F+3
    [CBA] You: F+2

  • If no one responds, assume there is no team forming and type "F+4" to start a team, e.g.

  • [CBA] You: F+?
    ... 1 minute later... no response...
    [CBA] You: F+4

    You have now reserved a spot on the team.

    3. The team is full when someone types "F+0"
    4. Pick roles. Be willing to play at least three roles. The healer will call the team's world
    5. If you need to leave a team before it fills, you must increase the number by one and say "out" to let everyone know that you are out of that team, e.g.

    [CBA] You: F+?
    [CBA] iTaste: F+3
    [CBA] You: F+2
    ... several minutes later...
    [CBA] You: Never mind. F+3, out. I need to leave.

    If you ever want to learn a new role/improve on known roles, please take the time to give our guides a look or sign up for a class. Even if you know BA very well, you may not know all the strategies we use in fun-runs. For more info, check out this link!


    In addition to constantly having teams running, we also host weekly clan events:
    Every Friday, to help make skilling a little more fun, the clan hosts group skilling events. Typically voted on via a poll during the week.
    Every Saturday the clan hosts unique events, whether it is a voted-on PvM, a minigame, or some other fun event.
    RACES! Every Sunday at 19:00 (7:00 PM) UTC the clan gathers at wave 1 of BA, and forms teams based on the number of people that are present. The teams decide their roles among themselves, then start at the same time to see who finishes first. A more detailed explanation/guide to Sunday Races can be found here >>Race Guide<<. Sunday Races is our most cherished event. We strongly encourage players of all abilities to attend.


    1. Level 5 requirements
    All players must be willing to perform at least three roles and have Level 5 in those roles. Main and second attacker count as separate roles. This rule does not apply to teams formed in world 306 or outside of the fc.
    2. No Bullying / Excessive Trolling
    Be kind to all members of the clan/discord and respect skill differences/experience. No insulting, flaming, griefing, or continually being a nuisance to players in the fc or in 306. Do not troll new players that join Casual Ba. Hate speech will not be tolerated. Keep NSFW content out of SFW channels.
    3. No Leeching
    Advertising leeches or performing leeches in Casual Ba is not allowed. Players may be directed to a leeching service only if prompted. Advertising through private messages is not allowed.
    4. No Ditching / Role Swapping / Afking
    Ditching mid-round is unacceptable under any circumstances except from DC's/IRL emergencies. To maintain the quality of games, unnecessarily swapping roles or continuously afking during rounds is also not allowed.
    5. No Scamming / Alt Policy
    Scamming and begging for money is unacceptable and will result in an immediate ban. Alt accounts are permitted outside of Sunday races, but you must disclose your main account’s identity when prompted by the star team or we may apply an indefinite ban on the account to prevent banned players from sneaking back in.


    In order to receive a smiley-rank in our clan, you must spend a good amount of time in the CC, and be noticed playing BA with our members. CBA has new players just about everyday, and a friends-list that can only hold 400 ranks. Therefore, it can be difficult for the Admins of the clan to always know who should receive a rank. Some ways to help us know you're serious about achieving a rank is by registering on our site, and using our "F+" system to form teams. Rank ups from smiley to sergeant work on a time and gamble count based system that you can find out more about here.